
Discover Matka Guessing: A Simple and Easy Guide for Beginners

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Matka guessing is a game that started in India, and it is all about picking the right numbers. Imagine having a big jar full of marbles, each with a number on it. If you can guess the numbers inside the jar, you might win a prize. People in India play this game called Satta Matka, where they guess numbers to win big money. But remember, this game can get you in trouble because it’s not always allowed to play. So, today we will learn all about how guessing works. We will talk about how people choose numbers and some simple tricks they use. Let’s start with understanding what Matka guessing is, and then we will dive into the numbers!

What is Matka Guessing?

Matka guessing is like a fun number game where you have to guess the right numbers. Imagine you have a jar of jellybeans with numbers on them. You try to guess which number you will pick. That’s guessing! In the game, people try to guess numbers that win them prizes. It started when people used to guess the prices of cotton from faraway places. But now, it’s a game of picking numbers.

The game has many names, like Satta Matka, and people play it for fun or to win money. They look at past numbers, try to see patterns, and sometimes even use magic-like tricks. But playing Matka guessing can be tricky because it’s not allowed everywhere. So, be careful when playing or even iBomma just learning about it.

Basic Ideas About Satta Matka

Let’s learn some simple ideas about Satta Matka. First, imagine you are picking three numbers, like choosing your favorite three colors of candies. For example, you might pick the numbers 5, 3, and 6. These numbers together make a special number that could win the game. Let’s see how to pick numbers in Matka guessing.

First Set of Numbers

  • Pick 3 numbers from 0 to 9. Let’s say you picked 5, 3, and 6.
  • Next, add them up. So, 5 + 3 + 6 equals 14.
  • Now, only use the last digit, which is 4. So your first number set is 5, 3, 6, and 4.

Second Set of Numbers

  • You can pick another set of 3 numbers, just like the first set.
  • Let’s choose 8, 2, and 8 this time.
  • Add them up, which gives us 18.
  • Use the last digit, 8, for this set. So the second number set is 8, 2, 8, and 314159u.

Final Card

Now, you have a final card, which looks like this: (5, 3, 6 x 4) X (8, 2, 8 x 8). This card is like a special ticket you can use to play the game. It’s like having a magic card full of your favorite colors.

Simple Tricks in Matka Guessing

Let’s learn some fun tricks people use in Matka guessing. It’s like having secret tips that can help you pick numbers.

Kalyan Matka Jodi Trick

  1. Start with Closing Numbers: Look at the last numbers of the day. Let’s say the last numbers are 55 and 32.
  2. Simple Addition and Subtraction:
    • Add the first digits: 5 + 2 = 7.
    • Subtract the second digits: 7 – 0 = 7.
  3. Next Day Open Number: Cut 2, so the open number next day could be 22.
  4. More Closing Numbers: Take new numbers, like 63 and 79, and repeat the process. Add: 3 + 9 = 12, and use 2. Subtract: 2 – 2 = 0.
  5. Repeat the Pattern: Keep using these steps with new numbers, and you will see a pattern.
  6. Remember the Steps:
    • Cut
    • Same
    • Cut
    • The outcome is the same cut.

This is like following a treasure map that shows you where the numbers might be. You can play with numbers and have fun learning these steps!

Picking Numbers

People sometimes have special numbers they believe are lucky. They choose numbers like 51, 80, 90, or even 41, 37, 72. They add them up, look for patterns, and then pick the numbers they feel are lucky.

For example, with the numbers 5+1=6, they will think about numbers like 7, 8, and 9 as possible winning numbers. They believe these numbers have a chance to win next time. It’s like guessing which candy will taste the best!


So, Matka guessing is like a magical number game where you try to guess the winning numbers. You can use simple tricks, like picking numbers or looking at closing numbers. But remember, even though it’s a fun game, it might not be allowed to play everywhere. So always be safe and check if you can play it where you live.

In conclusion, Matka guessing is about having fun with numbers, using tricks, and maybe winning prizes. It’s like playing with your favorite marbles or jellybeans, trying to pick the best ones. But always remember to play safely and have fun learning about numbers!

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